Horn Protection Bracelet
The Horn Protection Bracelet is designed with your choice of Amethyst, Dragon stone or Map stone 12mm Gemstones, Horn charm and Tulip Goddaughters Hang tag.
Gemstone Healing Properties
Amethyst is known to bring a sense of calm and clarity to our chaotic world. Keeping Amethyst close can offer comfort, grounding, and a soothing experience. Its ability to center emotions makes it a helpful aid in recovery for those dealing with grief, loss, and various forms of sadness. Additionally, Amethyst's divine spirituality can serve as a reminder to not fear the unknown.
When experiencing grief and sadness, Dragon stone exudes a kind energy that reminds us of the beauty of life and our important roles in it. It boosts our positivity and optimism for the future, quieting our inner critic and amplifying positive thoughts. This stone empowers us to let go of self-pity and embrace the world, encouraging us to find our inner strength and be bold.
Map stone is a nurturing jasper that provides supreme protection, calmness, and serenity. It helps enhance natural instincts, eliminate indecisiveness, and take action. This stone is great for those who enjoy solitude as it promotes reflection and understanding. By wearing Map Stone, you can connect with nature and bring a loving awareness to all beings on Earth.